Fertilizer, Weed Control,
& Consultations
Frequently Asked Questions:
What to expect
SK’s turf program includes six visits per year. Our team will apply either fertilizer or pre-emergent to your lawn each visit depending on the time of year. All weeds are sprayed with post-emergent during every visit. After the treatment, we will return approximately every eight weeks throughout the season. The dates of each visit vary due to weather conditions for the current year. Please note there is a period during the winter months when there are no visits for approximately three months.
How to Know We’re Coming
We will email you a reminder 2-4 days before each visit. We can also text you a reminder if requested. If the weather delays our planned visit, you will be notified about the schedule change.
When Should I Water After a Treatment?
Our products will work best if irrigation is applied within seven days after each treatment. We encourage you to wait at least two hours after the treatment is complete before watering. This will allow the weed control products to be most effective. If rain is in the forecast, you can certainly hold off watering for up to seven days to see if it rains.
Can I Mow After?
Mowing before or after our visit will not affect the treatment.
Is It Safe?
Our products are the safest available. It is best to keep pets off the lawn until the products sprayed have dried after each visit. The products are typically dry within one hour after each visit.
Lawn Access
If your gate has a lock, please unlock it for us on the day of each visit or you can give us your lock combination or duplicate key. This ensures you don’t have to remember to unlock your gate each time we stop by. In the event your gate is locked and we are unable to treat a portion of your yard, a fee will be charged for us to return and complete the treatment. The full invoice amount will be charged if gates are locked, and we are unable to treat the entire yard.
Billing/Payment Options
An invoice will be left on your door or under your doormat during each visit. Invoices can be emailed if requested. We ask that you submit payment within 30 days of each treatment. The following payment options are accepted:
Credit Card/PayPal: Payments made with a credit card or PayPal are accepted and will include a 3.5% convenience fee. This option must be requested so we can set up your account to include these payment options.
Check/Bill Pay: You can leave a check for us to pick up while we treat your yard or mail a check to the address listed on your invoice. You can also set up bill pay through your bank and have them send the check for you. You can add SK Services’ information as a payee, add the amount invoiced, and the bank will take care of the rest.
Yearly Payment: You may also elect to pay for the entire year at the beginning of the year if this option is more convenient for you.